CIS of Delaware Needs Your Help!Donate Now!Communities In Schools of DE (CISDE) serves students and families across the State of Delaware through the CIS Model, delivering integrated students supports, wrap around services, social emotional learning, and basic needs supports. These supports equip and empower students towards high levels of achievement in their Attendance, Behavior, and Coursework. The outbreak of Covid-19 has caused unprecedented disruption to our schools, business, industries and every facet of our lives. CISDE staff remain on the front lines of educational support, continuing to serve our students and families everyday with vital and necessary supports. Stand with us as we strive to get through this crisis together – Donate Now!
Communities In Schools of Delaware, Inc. has a 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS:
Each year Communities In Schools of Delaware continues to advance its mission of empowering kids to stay in school and prepare for life. Every child needs and deserves: a one on one relationship with a caring adult; a safe place to learn and grow; a healthy start and healthy future; a marketable skill to use upon graduation; and a chance to give back to peers and community. Support our Annual Giving Campaign In our community we know that to improve the performance of our lowest performing students, we need to address poverty. A child with a toothache is not going to care about math. A child who is hungry does not care about history. The best teachers and most gifted school leaders cannot eliminate this pain or alleviate the hunger. Yet the solution exists in communities across this country.
Organizations like Communities In Schools of Delaware are deploying site coordinators, who aggressively obtain and harness community resources to effectively shelter the impact of poverty on students. Here in Delaware we serve 10,000 students in 14 schools. We provide case managed services to over 800 students. The research is there and the proof exists that our model of providing wraparound services or integrated student supports works. Other Great Ways to Support CIS of Delaware! |
Give to Our Annual Campaign! |